The sage Confucius was once asked what he would do if he was a governor. He said he would “rectify the names” to make words correspond to reality. He understood what General Semantics teaches; if your linguistic map is sufficiently confused, you will misunderstand the territory. And be readily outmaneuvered by those who are less confused.

Perversion of language is the indispensable tool of authoritarians everywhere and throughout time

This is wrong, in the sense that relays are not subject to OFAC restrictions in the first place. Having said that, we are releasing a way of resolving the issue.

Manifold Finance operates securerpc.com - the only non-filtering Relay service, in case people are wondering.


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I can attest that Manifold is a team built by the community for the community. They are the only relayer that i have seen that truly has the future of Ethereum in mind with their development choices. The latter focuses on big VC money, have history with pump and dump pool groups, or are generally out of touch with reality.

OFAC restrictions are the first salvo towards a gaping hole in our defenses against the dark arts and should be approached with great care. We cannot leave Ethereum's infrastructure layer in the hands of US based companies that are ready to roll over to their government at a moment's notice. End stop.

As my hero Branden Boyd once said if not now then when.

Long live Banteg. Long live the republic!

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